We visited Notre Dame in Oct. 2018 and unfortunately it burned in April 2019.

These 30 images are some of my favorites and I hope you enjoy them and this magnificent building.








Notre Dame de Paris III
Notre Dame de Paris III











Notre Dame


Stained Glass window I











Notre Dame

Rose Window II












Notre Dame


Colors of Notre Dame










Joan of Arc












Rose Window














Who by their own Beliefs










Notre Dame


Stained Glass II











Notre Dame

How French can you get.











Notre Dame

Crown of Thorns?











Notre Dame



Stained Glass III












Notre Dame de Paris IV









Notre Dame


Quite a Casket










Notre Dame Gargoyle

Protected from all












Notre Dame Gargoyle


Moto’s friends











Notre Dame

Come blow your Horn













Notre Dame Gargoyle


The Band









Notre Dame


Still Blowing















Notre Dame interior stair

The Stairs












Notre Dame


Placement Instructions











Notre Dame


The Neighborhood










View from Notre Dame

More of the hood





















Notre Dame


Notre Dame I











Notre Dame

Notre Dame II











Notre Dame Notre Dame III












Notre Dame

Notre Dame IV











Notre Dame

Notre Dame V











Notre Dame

Notre Dame VI











Notre Dame

Notre Dame VII










Notre Dame Notre Dame VIII












Il est pompier


Thanks Pompiers